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Notice:  Effective June 30, 2024, the NASWGA Supervisor Registry will close.

To promote a level of consistency among the Clinical Supervisors in Georgia regarding Competency-Based Monitoring and Mentoring of Social Work Practitioners, NASWGA believes supervisors must understand supervisory styles and techniques and possess the skills to supervise
the potential clinical practitioners at various stages of clinical development and manage challenging supervisees and situations.

The best way to ensure consistency is by attending and completing a Clinical Supervision Certification Course/Training.  Consequently, in alignment with NASWGA's mission, which is to enhance the professional growth and development of its members and the social work
practitioner, to create and maintain professional standards, and to advance sound social policies, NASWGA is moving toward hosting a Registry of Certified Clinical Supervisors. Therefore, effective June 30, 2024, the old NASWGA Supervisor Registry will close and no longer be

NASWGA will email the supervisors on the Registry, notifying them of the Registry's closing date. Additionally, any supervisor on the list who has attended a Clinical Supervision Certification Course and can provide proof of completion and a certification will have a listing opportunity on the new Certified Clinical Supervisor Registry. New listings are no longer being accepted for the Clinical Supervisor Registry shown above.
For those who participated in the NASWGA 2017 Supervisor Certification Program, to recertify and maintain the certification, you will have to attend the updated Clinical Supervisor Certification Course. NASWGA's New Certification Policy is that the Certified Clinical Supervisor must recertify every two years, which aligns with the Georgia Social Work licensure
renewal policy. NASWGA will share details about the course in an email.
Please Do Not Contact NASWGA with Questions. Those on the Supervisor Registry will receive a detailed email about the above information.

Thank you for your understanding and patience, NASWGA.

NASWGA Clinical Supervisor Registry
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