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 Coalition on Human Needs Project
Three months ago, the House of Representatives made a major step on legislation that would be critical to reducing child poverty by 40 percent with special attention to the needs of people with low incomes, communities of color, and immigrant families. 

Unfortunately, right now, the Senate is stalling on the final version of the bill, and Biden is calling on Congress to move forward in his latest State of the Union Address. In the meantime, Americans are struggling. 

We need your help! We are looking for people who can offer personal testimonies for use in the media on the importance of the measures the bill offers including:

·      Provisions to close the Medicaid coverage gap by providing a pathway to coverage for more than 2 million low-income people, increased access to home healthcare, and lower prescription drug costs and health premiums. 

·      Free universal preschool and free and lower costs of child care. 

·      Rental vouchers, public housing maintenance, and a Housing Trust Fund. 

Five-year work permits and protection from deportation to close to 7 million undocumented immigrants who have lived in the U.S. for at least a decade. 

·      Access to school meals for 9 million students.

·      An investment of $550 billion to combat climate change, including tax credits to help both people and companies invest in and transition to clean energy solutions. 

·      A 15 percent corporate minimum tax to stop wealthy corporations from altogether dodging their fair share of taxes.

Pell grants, college aid targeted to students with low/moderate incomes. 


IIf you are willing to collaborate with us to encourage Congress to pass a bill to help the American people, either by helping us identify people in your network who are willing to share their stories, or by telling your own personal story, please fill out the form here with your name, contact information, best times to reach you and a brief synopsis of your own personal connection.  We understand that this work takes away from other things you might be doing and will compensate people for their time working with us on this project.


The Coalition on Human Needs is a national alliance of organizations representing people of faith, human service providers, policy experts, civil rights, labor and other advocates working to meet the needs of people with low incomes through effective federal policy and funding decisions.

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