Time & Location
Apr 27, 2022, 5:00 PM – 5:10 PM
Zoom Webinar
About the Event
What clinicians need to know about Telemental Health and Required Laws Basic. *Meets basic Telemental Health Requirement for Georgia Licensure Rule 135-11:01.
Workshop III - April 22, 2022- Supervisor Roles and Responsibilities in the Workplace Supervision Training
Workshop Description: “The purpose of social work supervision in health care settings is to enhance the professional skills and knowledge of a supervisee to increase her or his competence in providing quality services to clients and families. Supervision facilitates professional growth and development and improves clinical outcomes.” (NASW & Association of Social Work Boards, 2013, pp40). It is imperative that licensed clinical Social Work Supervisors are equipped with an experiential and knowledge base to meet the needs of supervisees in the workplace. This workshop will assist participants will an overview of types of supervision to consider, clearly define the roles and responsibilities of a supervisor from the Georgia Composite Board and the National Association of Social Workers perspectives, and supervisors’ competencies that are needed to effectively supervise practitioners. An experiential case vignette and a you-tube video clip will be utilized to demonstrate supervisory roles and responsibilities in the workplace.
Series Facilitator - Lucy Roberts-Cannon, Ed.D, LCSW, LICSW, CCDP-D, MATS
April 22nd - Member
$65.00Sale endedApril 22nd - Non-Member
$80.00Sale ended