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NASWGA Advanced Clinical Supervision
Certification Course
Date: January 23-25, 2024 | Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Continuing Education Credit (CE) Hours: 18 - 6 of these are Ethics CE Hours
Course Platform: Virtual | Zoom | A Synchronous Program
Details & Program Benefits:
The NASWGA Advanced Clinical Supervision program, through well-developed and relevant content, aims to broaden the continuing education alternatives available to social workers in Georgia. The course expands on NASWGA's Introduction to Clinical Supervision course by delving into the specific needs of various practice areas. Additionally, it aims to provide supervisors with Competency-Based Monitoring and Mentoring, an understanding of supervisory styles and techniques, and the essential skills needed to manage challenging supervisees and situations and, finally, to supervise the potential clinical practitioner at various stages of clinical development.
Additional Program Benefits:
■ Discuss issues related to the oversight of professional conduct and ethical practice.
■ Identify strategies to ensure competency-based clinical supervision.
■ Provide registrants with practical tools for increasing effectiveness in supervision.
■ Those who complete the 24-hr. course and exam are placed on the NASWGA Registry of Advanced Certified Supervisors for two years. To stay on the registry, one must obtain recertification.
Required Criteria/Prerequisites to Register for the NASWGA
Advanced Clinical Supervision Program and Receive the Certification:
*Must be licensed as a Georgia Social Worker with a valid license number and has practiced Clinical Social Work for a minimum of 3 years post social
work master's degree under the supervision of a clinical social worker for 2 years. See GA Licensure Rule 135-5-.04(b)(1)
* Must have practiced in their Specialty for a minimum of 2 years.
See GA Licensure Rule135-5-.04(c)
*Must have taken and passed a diagnosis (psychopathology) course or meet the licensure rule exemption:
In accordance with the SB 319 (2016) law, the Georgia Composite Board required that all MSW and CSW licensed in Georgia under O.C.G.A 43-10A complete the Psychopathology course (Rule 135-12-.02 Diagnosis) by January 1, 2018. The law allowed for an exemption of the following social workers: those who took the psychopathology course in graduate school or have 10 years of experience post LCSW in practice with persons with mental illness, substance abuse or developmental disabilities.
*Be in good standing with the licensure and certification board in your state.
* As stated, to receive a certificate, your license must be in good standing with your state’s licensure board. Consequently, NASWGA highly recommends that registrants verify their licensure status with their licensure boards prior to registering for the program.
*Must have taken the NASWGA Introduction to Clinical Supervision Certification Course and passed the exam or - taken another Clinical Supervision Course (offered by a recognized provider) and passed all prerequisites for the certification. And provide proof of the certification to NASWGA upon request.
Sample of Advanced Social Work Practice Curriculum:
Day 1 - Modules for 1
I) Establishing guidelines and competence in advanced clinical practice.
II) Utilization of performance management to direct clinical development.
III) Understanding and development of Policy and Procedures and their integration with clinical practice.
Effective utilization of 21st Century technology in clinical practice.
Day 2 - Module 2
I) Specialized clinical and supervisory considerations in school social work.
II) Specialized clinical and supervisory considerations in medical social work.
III) Specialized clinical and supervisory considerations in behavioral health social work.
Day 3 - Module 3
I) Supervisory tele-mental health.
ll) Ethical practices of cultural diversity.
Ill) Best practices in advanced social work ethics.
IV) Advanced issues in ethical use of social networks and social media.
V) Advanced issues in self-management and self-care/burnout prevention/ management of secondary trauma.
Read this Note Before Registering. Important Registration Details!
When registering, please use an email address that you can use consistently throughout the duration of this course. NASWGA staff will not change a registrant's email address after registration so again, please ensure that the email address you use to register is the one you will use throughout the duration of the course. The email address you use to register is where you will receive the following:
■ Registration confirmation
■ Zoom links for each program date
■ Electronic sign in sheet & evaluation links
■ Communications and updates from NASWGA Staff
■ CE Certificate of Completion & Certification
What is included in the program fee?
Access to course, study guide, and test registration.
What is required to receive the NASWGA Certification?
▪ Completion of the 24 hr. Introduction Clinical Supervision Course
▪ Pass an exam at the end of the course. The passing grade is 80% (Monitored Testing Site Used for Testing)
▪All registrants are eligible for a certificate of program attendance and completion and 18 hours of instruction (6 being ethic hours). However, to receive the certification, registrants must pass the exam as noted above.
Maintenance of the Certification: Recertification is required every licensure renewal cycle which in Georgia is 2 years to maintain the NASWGA Clinical Advanced Supervision Certificate. Recertification hours required are 12.
■ NASW/NASWGA Member: $275.00
■ Non-Member: $305.00
■ NASW/NASWGA Retired Member: $190.00
The NASWGA Clinical Advanced Certificate is currently not a mandated requirement to perform clinical supervision in the state of Georgia. However, attendance and completion of the program demonstrates a mastery of materials covered along with an understanding of the significant role of the Clinical Social Work Supervisor. This program is recognized and approved by the National Association of Social Workers Georgia Chapter (NASWGA) Chapter and the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Continuing Education Credentialing Program, while the continuing education hours are accepted by the Georgia Board of Professional Counselors, Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists. Non-GA attendees need to verify with the licensure boards in the state where they are licensed as to whether they will accept the continuing education credits administered by NASWGA.
The NASWGA Certification in Clinical Supervision does not supersede the rules and regulations set forth by the Georgia Board of Professional Counselors, Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists, nor any other professional certification and licensure board, surrounding the provision of clinical supervision to social workers or other mental health professionals or the state laws which govern the profession of social work or other mental health professions.
To register, click on the "Register" button in the app below. Note: You cannot register via phone. You must register on a laptop, desktop, or ipad.
Refund Policy:
Refund requests must be made in writing and sent to NASW-GA at (write in the subject box – Refund Request & List the Name of the event and attach your Event Ticket). Refunds will be processed within 10-14 business days and refunds can be expected 14 days after processing. Refunds are mailed to the address provided by the registrant. The refund request schedule is as follows:
· For cancellation requests received four weeks before a scheduled event you will receive a 100% refund of your registration fee.
· For cancellation requests received three weeks before the scheduled event you will receive a 75% refund of your registration fee.
· For cancellation requests received two weeks before the scheduled event you will receive a 50% refund of your registration fee.
· No refunds will be made for cancellation requests received a week before the scheduled event.
**NASW-GA regrets that there are No Refunds for No-Shows. There are no exceptions to this policy.

Click on the icons for Virtual Event FAQ's for Workshops and Trainings. They are the same except that one is an Adobe Acrobat file (.pdf) and the other is a Word document (.docx).
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